Corporate and Institutional Clients

As a trustee, plan sponsor or officer, you face multiple responsibilities to your stakeholders, who expect you to remain informed and responsive on their behalf. Depending on your role, you may face additional fiduciary requirements to uphold the “prudent expert” standard for your plan beneficiaries.

You shouldn’t have to face these obligations alone



  • Retirement Plan Sponsors
  • Foundations & Endowment Trustees
  • Personal Trust Officers

With Private Wealth CFOs, you can delegate many of your corporate or institutional stakeholder responsibilities to us as your Personal CFO. We’ll apply the same dedicated approach that we provide our private clients as part of our overall wealth service offerings, [hyperlink to Services landing page] augmented by services especially tailored for corporate and institutional care.

Contact us to schedule a private, complimentary conversation with one of our Personal CFPs. We’ll discuss our extensive corporate/institutional service offerings – including our ability to take on your retirement plan investment selection fiduciary duties, for minimizing your personal liability exposure.